About me
Dr. Balaji Subramanian has 15 years of experience in chromogenic device fabrication, nanomaterials synthesis, biomaterials synthesis and materials characterization. Has published over 40 peer reviewed research articles, contributed two book chapters, and an inventor in two patents (one published and another pending). Holds a doctoral degree in process instrumentation engineering for physical sciences, and master’s and bachelor’s degree in physics. Currently a faculty member in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Trent University, Peterborough, Canada. He has received best paper award for a work presented in an IEEE conference. Currently engaged in the development of multifunctional chromogenic materials based on two-dimensional quantum systems. His research interests include studying quantum size effects in two dimensional materials, their electronic and optical properties, opto-electronic devices and biosensors based on two dimensional materials.
In the education front, he is interested in developing technologies that facilitate student engagement in theoretical physics courses. He has received multiple nominations for excellence in teaching. He has developed classroom demonstration tools to explain problems related to calculus of variations, rigid body dynamics and oscillating systems. With the collaboration from Computer Science Department faculty, Professor Omar Alam, Dr. Subramanian has developed software for automated grading of scratch card based Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique. The presentation at KTT will elaborate on this new software, which integrates pattern recognition technology and image analysis algorithms which leads to this new software.